Thursday, March 24, 2011

No. 20

March 21 - I really like how this picture turned out. I wanted to take a picture through the fence that separated the tennis courts from the rest of the parking lot. I purposefully used a short depth of field in this photo, and the player is blurry while the fence is sharp.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

No. 19

March 21 - I really like looking at bumper stickers when I drive on the road or walk in a parking lot. I sat down to take this picture, which told a lot about this driver in just one picture. My favorite part of this photo is seeing the Obama bumper sticker over the Kerry/Edwards one.

No. 18

March 21 - I took this picture looking directly down at the trash can. This trash can sits just outside the 300 wing; I have walked by it hundreds of times. Yet I did not know about this painting of the sun until I took this picture. With this project, I opened my eyes to this school.

No. 17

March 21 - I wanted to get a worm's eye view of the unique flowers close to the courtyard. I also wanted to get the bench in this picture. I took this picture laying down on the concrete.

No. 16

March 21 - As the buses left the campus, I liked seeing just this little cluster of students sitting by the sidewalk. I wanted to get a big view of this field of vision to encapsulate this true feeling of Jordan.

No. 15

March 21 - I thought these recycling bottles were fascinating. They encourage people to recycle, but they also contain symbols from corporations. I can recognize the last "E" on the left side to be from Pepsi and the "C" in the middle of the right side to be from Coca-Cola. It is amazing to consider that even in schools, students are exposed to consumerism. I squatted down while I took this photo to get a nice angle to see the letters.

No. 14

March 21 - I had not noticed this painting until I took this picture. I thought it was so interesting to see a mirror reflect what this little cartoon character could become several years down the road. This painting reflects what a lot of adolescents envision for themselves in the future, and I wanted to take a picture of it.